Thursday, March 12, 2009

Settling In

I grew up moving from state to state, as you may remember. And I've carried that restless spirit into adulthood. In fact, I haven't lived anywhere longer than 7 years (and 7 years seems so long to be anywhere). My dear husband is just the opposite. He was born and raised in the same town. His parents, grandparents, and (some) extended family still live in that same town. That's very odd to me, seeing as my grandparents live in California and Texas and my extended family is spread throughout the globe. My side is somewhat nomatic, we love to be on the move. So when DH and I got married, I started planning a move. To Iowa? To Bend? To California? To Ireland?

"We couldn't possibly stay in the same spot! The notion!" I gasped.

But I think I am changing. *Extra Gasp* I've started looking at houses in this area...and have been getting excited. The thought of knowing my neighbors, going to the same store, having my kids in the same school with the same friends is actually....appealling to me. Weird, I know!

We are looking closely at a little town in Washington (yes, it'd be a move to another state but only a few miles away from where we are now). Said little town has a great real estate market right now and an even better school distric. Oh the notion!

I am excited. But don't tell anyone. *Smiles*


Unknown said...

I think there are benefits to both ways of doing it! I grew up moving around, got to see a lot of fun things. I'm enjoying the roots we have down in Portland! I think it's good to know that humans are resilient enough to make both work!

Good luck with all the plans!

The Drew Family said...

I loved moving too but it was so easy on my parents because it was always paid for by my dad's company. All the hotel stays, resturants, gas, room service..all paid for! Otherwise, moving can be expensive!