Friday, May 29, 2009

The Recession Game

I was chatting with my husband last night about the recession and money and our savings account. We concluded that we want to try and save as much as possible especially during this time.

We came up with a couple things:

1. We are cancelling our Netflix account...we really don't use it anyway

2. We will only buy our fruits and veggies from the farmer's market (package and freeze quantities)..which is actually better all around for us and for our neighbors and our environment.

3. We will continue making our own bread (I have a super easy and delicious recipe, if anyone is interested). Again, this is healthier and better for the environment.

4. No more Starbucks, we can make our own coffee at home.

5. WinCo. As much as I HATE this store, it does save us some money.

6. Freebies! We live in a very beautiful state and city! And since summer is the driest time of year, there are a plethora of free outdoor activities so we will be anything but bored.

Does anyone else have any other ideas or suggestions? What do you do to save a little extra money?

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