They say money managment can be a marriage breaker. And I am happy to say that Brenden and I spend and save in the exact same way. We are blessed in that we can save and spend at the same time and always have money left over. I am also happy to say that we are now 61% to our savings goal for 2009; we will hit the goal in May! (Assuming nothing drastic happens).
I am really hoping to move out of Portland (or even Oregon) as soon as we can (our lease is up in June). You know I am not a fan of Portland and haven't been impressed by Oregon in general (except for Bend). I've lived in so many different states and can honestly say that Oregon is the weirdest. We'd love to be able to buy a home and start a family (maybe in two years?) but not in Portland. And preferably not in Oregon but that's a topic for another post....
61% is a good way to start the new year!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
Xbox, Dieting, and Chocolate
You'd think Christmas would be the worst time to start a diet (or rather a exercise-eat right-drink lots of water-type of diet). And with all the goodies and my new xbox360, I was fearing the worst. Brenden and I barely moved from the couch after Christmas while our Fable charcter got a lot of exercise!
I've lost weight! I've lost about 5 pounds; not enough to physically notice (unless you're Brenden) but enough that my clothes feel different.
Ok but really, I am going back on my diet-exericse-eat right-drink water plan again....starting next week. *Snicker*
I've lost weight! I've lost about 5 pounds; not enough to physically notice (unless you're Brenden) but enough that my clothes feel different.
Ok but really, I am going back on my diet-exericse-eat right-drink water plan again....starting next week. *Snicker*
2009 Here We Come!
..And I hope it's ready for us! Hehe, 2008 will be hard to compete with but I am sure 2009 will have many surprises and many blessings (Nope, I am not pregnant).
My new year's resolution is to learn to knit and crochet. I have fallen in love with amigurumi dolls and can't wait to learn how to make them! First things first though and I will be making plenty of dish clothes and scarves. Want any? I am taking orders :-)
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Just Thinking...
Let me preface this blog by saying that I liked playing Santa. But lately, he has been getting on my nerves. I walked through the mall the other day and was astonished by how far parents go to lie to their children. They wait in line to have their children sit on a strange man's lap dressed as the jolly old saint while telling their kids not to talk to strangers (yes, I overheard that conversation). I also overheard conversations about how Santa travelled all this way to be at the mall. Hmm...the mall?
I love imagination, I love stories, but when is it too much? When is it lying? When is it manipulation? Yes, I said manipulation! Children are natural believers, they have such a natural faith. And I feel like toy companies manipulate that faith in such disgusting ways. Now, if you know me, you know that I am not a nay-sayer. I love fun! Like I said, I love stories! I love imagination and make believe (yes, I still do!). But Christmas is about Christ. It's not about presents, or the tree, or stockings, or eating, or even family (although these are all very good things). It's about Christ. Plain and simple. And that's not boring! That is amazing! Who doesn't like a little sleeping baby?
I used to think that taking Santa out of Christmas would be taking the fun out of Christmas. Such a marketing lie! This is Christmas not Santamas.
I was watching some youtube videos of people's Christmas (yes, I admit it). And in each of them, the parents were more excited about the gift than the child was. It was funny. One girl was opening gift after gift after gift but she just wanted to read her new book and hold her new doll.
Kids are simple. Kids are faithful. They will grow into skeptical adults but let's not hurry the process. Let's leave them as children for a bit longer. A wooden doll crib made by dad, a new book from mom, a little truck from grandma...what else do they need?
I love imagination, I love stories, but when is it too much? When is it lying? When is it manipulation? Yes, I said manipulation! Children are natural believers, they have such a natural faith. And I feel like toy companies manipulate that faith in such disgusting ways. Now, if you know me, you know that I am not a nay-sayer. I love fun! Like I said, I love stories! I love imagination and make believe (yes, I still do!). But Christmas is about Christ. It's not about presents, or the tree, or stockings, or eating, or even family (although these are all very good things). It's about Christ. Plain and simple. And that's not boring! That is amazing! Who doesn't like a little sleeping baby?
I used to think that taking Santa out of Christmas would be taking the fun out of Christmas. Such a marketing lie! This is Christmas not Santamas.
I was watching some youtube videos of people's Christmas (yes, I admit it). And in each of them, the parents were more excited about the gift than the child was. It was funny. One girl was opening gift after gift after gift but she just wanted to read her new book and hold her new doll.
Kids are simple. Kids are faithful. They will grow into skeptical adults but let's not hurry the process. Let's leave them as children for a bit longer. A wooden doll crib made by dad, a new book from mom, a little truck from grandma...what else do they need?
Friday, December 19, 2008
The Irony of it all... that God sent a tiny baby, a helpless child to save us. While we waited for a warrior to release us from political persecution, from taxes, from Caesar, God sent us a warrior to release us from death and sin. Innocence paid the price for evil and now we may be free. It is the most ironically beautiful act.
I think about Mary a lot. She felt the baby in her, she toiled over His birth, she held and feed Him, she kissed His little head. Even though she was told of His significance, did she really understand? As she held the innocent baby, could she fathom what He would become? My heart breaks for Mary. What mother can watch their child die like He did? And yet, how can I not rejoice at the same time?
I don't bother with doctrine or arguing over every scripture, all I know is Christ and Him crucified. And knowing that, I know the heart of God.
"He was wounded for our transgressions, crushed by our iniquities, by His wounds we are healed." -Isaiah 53
I think about Mary a lot. She felt the baby in her, she toiled over His birth, she held and feed Him, she kissed His little head. Even though she was told of His significance, did she really understand? As she held the innocent baby, could she fathom what He would become? My heart breaks for Mary. What mother can watch their child die like He did? And yet, how can I not rejoice at the same time?
I don't bother with doctrine or arguing over every scripture, all I know is Christ and Him crucified. And knowing that, I know the heart of God.
"He was wounded for our transgressions, crushed by our iniquities, by His wounds we are healed." -Isaiah 53
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
A Long Way from the Trailer
Yesterday was lovely. The office was closed due to the weather so I had the day to do anything I wanted! I worked out (after falling on the ice TWICE on the way to the gym), cleaned my apartment, and made some tortillas.
As I walked around my cozy apartment, I realized how far I've come. For those of you who don't know, I used to live in a trailer (not a fact to be ashamed of) in San Diego. I remember when I moved in. The previous tenant left the most disgusting mess that I almost cried. There was rotten food everywhere, mouse droppings, no sufficient locks on the doors or windows, ect. I mostly lived there alone. I had a couple "break-ins" (nothing serious, a crazy neighbor had a habit of coming in). The trailer park was actually condemned by the state and most of the lots were vacant (which attracted a lot of scary people and squatters). I spent several nights crying, too scared to leave my bedroom and praying that light would come quicker. When I look back, I was a very brave girl to live there alone. But that's what I am known for, my bravery.
And here I am: married to a wonderful man who makes me feel loved and beautiful everyday; living in an apartment that I love; working at a job that is laid back (mostly) with no constant worry of being fired; enjoying the snow and the anticipation of Christmas.
The Lord is so good to those that wait on Him. My cup is running over and spilling blessings all over me!
I am so eternally thankful and I can't wait to see what's next in our life.
As I walked around my cozy apartment, I realized how far I've come. For those of you who don't know, I used to live in a trailer (not a fact to be ashamed of) in San Diego. I remember when I moved in. The previous tenant left the most disgusting mess that I almost cried. There was rotten food everywhere, mouse droppings, no sufficient locks on the doors or windows, ect. I mostly lived there alone. I had a couple "break-ins" (nothing serious, a crazy neighbor had a habit of coming in). The trailer park was actually condemned by the state and most of the lots were vacant (which attracted a lot of scary people and squatters). I spent several nights crying, too scared to leave my bedroom and praying that light would come quicker. When I look back, I was a very brave girl to live there alone. But that's what I am known for, my bravery.
And here I am: married to a wonderful man who makes me feel loved and beautiful everyday; living in an apartment that I love; working at a job that is laid back (mostly) with no constant worry of being fired; enjoying the snow and the anticipation of Christmas.
The Lord is so good to those that wait on Him. My cup is running over and spilling blessings all over me!
I am so eternally thankful and I can't wait to see what's next in our life.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Mexican Feast!
I've been craving some really good Mexican food and what's there to do on a cold Saturday? Bake! So I gathered all my ingredients for a homemade Mexican feast!

First, marinate the carne asada:
First, marinate the carne asada:
I also made a white jalapeno sauce from scratch! It was so delicious!
Anyone up for a Mexican party?
Friday, December 12, 2008
Five Months Ago
I married my best friend. Today, my heart could burst with joy. I love you so much, my dear Brenden. You are more than I ever dreamed.
Oh Brother...
I want to take a moment and boast about my brother, Seth. While Seth and I have had times of closeness and times of seperation, I've always been very proud of him. Seth was always popular (he will probably deny it) while I was the quiet, nerdy girl. People were surprized that he was my brother. Nevertheless, he always protected me and I always felt safe around him. Now he is a police officer and I couldn't be more proud than to call him brother. Here we are, back in the day, friends and siblings:
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Sign Your X on the Line
When I was little, my parents let us decide whether we wanted to believe (and play) in Santa Claus. My sister and I decided to believe in him and I even defended the existence of reindeer because I thought they were associated with "rain" (that, of course, comes from the sky). It seemed perfectly logical to a six year old me.
Well, if you know me (especially if you knew me as a child), you know that I am a schemer. I'd like to think that I was tricky but what kid can actually trick their parents? Anyway. My sister and I spent many hours coming up with a way to trap Santa Claus and discover his real identity (yes, we knew it was really my parents but we liked the game)!
One year we tried spending the night in a tent by the fireplace but got scared and ran back to our room.
One year we placed the milk and cookies with a note: "Santa, you must sign your name here" (our plan was to compare the signature to our parent's signature)
One year we talked about hooking up a secret camera. But we were too little and lacked the equipment and know-how.
Even though we never really believed in the jolly old man, we talked about Santa even as teens.
"Oh, look what 'Santa' gave me! Thanks, mom, thanks dad!"
So even though I cringe when it comes to all the consumerism, I like the Santa game. I think he represents imagination and wonder, at least that's what I remember.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Bend, Oregon
Bend, Oregon is about 3 hours southeast from Portland but it seems a world away. It is less wet than Portland as the climate is that of a high desert. The people remind me of Colorado (active, fit, and not as weird as Portland-ites).
I am praying that we will be able to move to Bend soon (I eventually want us to end up in Iowa but we will see).
Right now the economy is so bad, a move isn't a wise venture. We are staying put and working away. But as soon as the economy swings back to the positive......
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Probably the View...
I'm not sure why but I miss San Diego today. Maybe it was my ideal atmosphere (check out that campus picture! Perfection!) but people seemed a little more relaxed and not as...weird overall. People smiled more and seemed to have less to complain about. Maybe it's because chatting with Liz and Sarah makes me realize how wonderful of friends they are. And how easy their friendship was (and is).
Or maybe it's the view...ya..there's always that.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
Enough Complaining, I am Ready for a Change!
My poor husband (and my family and my friends) have been hearing me complain about my weight gain ever since I moved to Oregon. For someone who is the most comfortable at 125-130 pounds, I am the heaviest I have ever been. (Not that my weight is bad, it's just not comfortable for me).
And it's time to stop complaining about it and get a plan!
So this morning I went to the gym for the first time since September! And *gasp* I've gained 6 pounds since then! After calming myself down a bit (after all, I am a newlywed and we tend to gain weight, right?), I developed a plan and am determined to get down to 130 pounds!
I think it's wise to take 6 months and gradually lose the weight over that time (no crash diets here)! So if anyone has advice on losing a few pounds per month, let me know!
With some self-control, determination, and a lot of encouragement, I know I can do it!!
And it's time to stop complaining about it and get a plan!
So this morning I went to the gym for the first time since September! And *gasp* I've gained 6 pounds since then! After calming myself down a bit (after all, I am a newlywed and we tend to gain weight, right?), I developed a plan and am determined to get down to 130 pounds!
I think it's wise to take 6 months and gradually lose the weight over that time (no crash diets here)! So if anyone has advice on losing a few pounds per month, let me know!
With some self-control, determination, and a lot of encouragement, I know I can do it!!
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