Friday, December 19, 2008

The Irony of it all... that God sent a tiny baby, a helpless child to save us. While we waited for a warrior to release us from political persecution, from taxes, from Caesar, God sent us a warrior to release us from death and sin. Innocence paid the price for evil and now we may be free. It is the most ironically beautiful act.

I think about Mary a lot. She felt the baby in her, she toiled over His birth, she held and feed Him, she kissed His little head. Even though she was told of His significance, did she really understand? As she held the innocent baby, could she fathom what He would become? My heart breaks for Mary. What mother can watch their child die like He did? And yet, how can I not rejoice at the same time?

I don't bother with doctrine or arguing over every scripture, all I know is Christ and Him crucified. And knowing that, I know the heart of God.

"He was wounded for our transgressions, crushed by our iniquities, by His wounds we are healed." -Isaiah 53

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