Thursday, December 11, 2008

Sign Your X on the Line

When I was little, my parents let us decide whether we wanted to believe (and play) in Santa Claus. My sister and I decided to believe in him and I even defended the existence of reindeer because I thought they were associated with "rain" (that, of course, comes from the sky). It seemed perfectly logical to a six year old me.

Well, if you know me (especially if you knew me as a child), you know that I am a schemer. I'd like to think that I was tricky but what kid can actually trick their parents? Anyway. My sister and I spent many hours coming up with a way to trap Santa Claus and discover his real identity (yes, we knew it was really my parents but we liked the game)!

One year we tried spending the night in a tent by the fireplace but got scared and ran back to our room.

One year we placed the milk and cookies with a note: "Santa, you must sign your name here" (our plan was to compare the signature to our parent's signature)

One year we talked about hooking up a secret camera. But we were too little and lacked the equipment and know-how.

Even though we never really believed in the jolly old man, we talked about Santa even as teens.

"Oh, look what 'Santa' gave me! Thanks, mom, thanks dad!"

So even though I cringe when it comes to all the consumerism, I like the Santa game. I think he represents imagination and wonder, at least that's what I remember.

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