Friday, May 29, 2009

Send my peas to China!

Apparently my last post about saving money did not sit well for some. I was thoroughly chastised for being "stressed" (although I didn't use the word myself). Apparently, I have no right to be stressed while there are poor people in India. Which reminds me of the "eat your food, there are starving children in China" passive-aggressive does my full stomach benefit starving children in China? If anything, that should motivate me not to eat my peas and ship them to China. So there are poorer people than me? Yes, I know. I hardly think my stress affects them negatively. Or at all. Ever.

But this is really about gratefulness, isn't it? I am very grateful and thankful for all that I have. It can always be worse, it can always be better too.

To conclude, I am not stressed. I am simply trying to be a good steward of what God has given me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey there, this is a first for me! I (Rhonda) am posting my first comment on a blog! Next I'm gonna be brave and actually post an entry on our blog! Anyway, about your frugality - Good for you!! I'm so tired of hearing all this doom and gloom and whining about the "econominc crisis" and I personally know very few people who have changed their lifstyle at all. Dave and I are trimming back too. We're shutting off our home phone. Most of our friends and family communicate with us by email and cell phones and Dave and I can talk to each other as well as alot of our f&F free on our cells. When we're home in the eveings it's our time so we dont want to talk to anyone on the phone. It's not about being stressed or leting the finacial climate frighten us, it's aobut being a good steward of what God has given us and "walking our talk". We in america are truly blessed even when we take away all our luxuries compared to china and most of the world. So more power to ya!