Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Sign of the times

This may be TMI for some of you but I am so irritated, I have to share. I had a total health assessment from Kaiser the other day and I scored an 86/100 only because of my "sexual behavior" and the fact that I don't use condoms (ever...I hate them). I received an "excellent" in everything else (even my weight!) but a "very poor" in that category. What really annoys me is that they didn't ask if I was married or if I was in a monogamist relationship. They only asked how many partners I've had in the last 12 months (one, of course). And still gave me a lecture on how important "safe sex" is to my health. Urg. So I went ahead and gave myself a 95/100. So there.

Rant over.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I totally get that! I've been married 27 years, always been faithful to my wife, never taken drugs or had a transfusion - my blood is a 0 risk for Aids, etc. yet sometimes I get treated like a leper. No one ever asks the questions that really matter! It's like they just assume everyone is out there being promiscuous, doing drugs, and just generally being depraved. Makes me mad too.