Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Hard Times

We've hit some hard times professionally. Financially, we are hanging in there but the down-turn economy is bearing its weight on us. I know that some of you will nod in understanding while others will thank God (or your karma or your lucky stars) that you don't understand. But I thank God for these hard times. It's through times like these that I see the strength of my marriage. It's through times like these that I realize how much I trust and love my husband. It's through times like these that my faith is strengthened. No, I will not thank God for what He has spared me, I will thank Him for what He was brought me through. It is an honor.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Nope, if there was an easy way to get rich, we'd all be rich. I believe in hard work not scams. Thanks anyway :)