Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Funniest April Fools

My dad is a jokester. I can't tell you how many times I fell for his April fool's jokes. How many times can a kid believe that she is moving to Hawaii? More than I'd like to count! But his all-time best joke was played on the head of security at his hospital (my dad worked as a hospital director before he retired).

I believe April fools landed on a Saturday that year and my dad woke up early to phone one of his employees about an unusual event.

"Monkeys! There are rabid monkeys loose in the ER!" He yelled into the phone. "Get there and lock the area down NOW!" Us kids held our months to stifle the laughter.

His employee sped all the way to the ER, frantically parked in a no-parking zone, threw open the doors and yelled "WHERE ARE THE MONKEYS?"

Classic. I love my dad. And that's no joke!

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