Friday, December 3, 2010

The Dresden Files

I am currently reading The Dresden Files series by Jim Butcher. The series is about a modern day wizard named Harry Dresden and his work in Chicago as a private consultant to the SI (Special Investigation) section of the CPD. It's an entertaining, action packed series. There are wars with vampires, faeries, loup-garou (werewolves), demons, and ghosts...It's a fun series to read!

In the stories, magic and energy are dependant on each other. To wield magic, you must channel your energy and focus on your goal. I don't know that I believe in magic in this sense (although I am finding myself more and more open to the idea..why not?) but I like the idea of focusing energy towards a certain goal. I think that's a very real, positive thing to practice. So lately, I have been consciously focusing my mind and energy around positive things, like a prayer or a time of meditation. So far, it has improved my mood during those not so pleasant, stressful times. I highly recommend trying it! Oh and if you are into fantasy novels and aren't too scared of "things that go bump in the night", try The Dresden Files!

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