Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The song that takes you back

Is there a particular song that reminds you of a time? A song that takes you back in time as soon as its tune reaches your ears? You close your eyes and suddenly you have gone back in time. Yes, I have a song like that. And I cringe when I hear it. I can't even type it without hearing its screeching in my head.

"Benny and the Jets" *cringe*

I worked at Hallmark for a few months awhile ago. My time there was unbearable less than ideal. Hearing Michael Buble or Elton John over and over and over again is enough to make anyone sick. But whenever I hear "Benny and the Jets" nowadays, I want to throw myself under a chair in the anticipation of an onslaught of old ladies looking for useless knickknacks and yelling about the boxes being bent.

Someone turn it off before I run from the room screaming, "NO, WE ARE OUT OF MICKEY MOUSE FIGURINES"

I am going to my happy place now.

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