Tuesday, December 16, 2008

A Long Way from the Trailer

Yesterday was lovely. The office was closed due to the weather so I had the day to do anything I wanted! I worked out (after falling on the ice TWICE on the way to the gym), cleaned my apartment, and made some tortillas.

As I walked around my cozy apartment, I realized how far I've come. For those of you who don't know, I used to live in a trailer (not a fact to be ashamed of) in San Diego. I remember when I moved in. The previous tenant left the most disgusting mess that I almost cried. There was rotten food everywhere, mouse droppings, no sufficient locks on the doors or windows, ect. I mostly lived there alone. I had a couple "break-ins" (nothing serious, a crazy neighbor had a habit of coming in). The trailer park was actually condemned by the state and most of the lots were vacant (which attracted a lot of scary people and squatters). I spent several nights crying, too scared to leave my bedroom and praying that light would come quicker. When I look back, I was a very brave girl to live there alone. But that's what I am known for, my bravery.

And here I am: married to a wonderful man who makes me feel loved and beautiful everyday; living in an apartment that I love; working at a job that is laid back (mostly) with no constant worry of being fired; enjoying the snow and the anticipation of Christmas.

The Lord is so good to those that wait on Him. My cup is running over and spilling blessings all over me!

I am so eternally thankful and I can't wait to see what's next in our life.

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