Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Be the Hero

I love to sleep. My mom said I slept through the night when I was just a few days old (please Lord, give me a child who loves to sleep). I look forward to bed time. I never pulled an all-nighter during college (well, not for studying). I love my sleep. My teacher's have always told my parents that I have a big imagination. And if my dreams are any indication, "big imagination" is an understatement.

I remember my very first nightmare. I was 2 and I dreamt that my mom accidental chopped her head off in my dad's hobby shop (a little room in our basement where he made our toys). She chased me around the yard without a head. Yeah, that's creepy and I didn't mean to write such a creepy blog. (I never watched any scary movies when I was little-this was purely imagination).

My dreams are usually adventure packed. The other night I was fighting Lord Voldemort (the arch-enemy in the Harry Potter series). Through battle and much toil, I conquered and banished him forever. Brenden and I returned home as heros.

Last night, Brenden and I were on our motorcycle driving to Mac when we noticed a robbery on Arlington and 23rd street (I wonder if there is such an intersection). Being the heros that we are, we chased down the criminals. As I approached like a ninja, they shot me twice! In a quick movement, I tackled them to the ground and they were arrested! How exciting!

I have loads of funny dream stories! And don't even get me started on all the things Brenden says...errr...yells during his sleep! Now that's a topic for another post.

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