Monday, February 2, 2009


Within a few days, both our cars scooted under the radar of disaster.

First up-
Last week, Brenden's Jeep began to shake uncontrollably at high speeds (40 mph or more). We suspected it was out of alignment and hoped it'd be an easy fix. Les Schwaub determined that we needed to replace the front brakes for $400. Normally, $400 is nothing but since we've been on a strict saving/paying off debt plan, $400 is just a pain and a kink in the plan. However, to our surprise, our warranty (from YEARS ago) was still good!
Total cost: $40

Next disaster avoided-
Yesterday, we braved WinCo (We both dread WinCo). We surfed through the crowds and loaded my car without a hitch. Key to ignition. Nothing. We checked the oil, fine. We checked the battery, fine. The engine wouldn't turn over. Nothing. After about 45 mins. of checking, we figured out that the alarm had been set against the key and killed the ignition. We grabbed our stuff and walked home.I prayed. Brenden prayed. We were both stressed. Brenden called around to see if anyone could help. No luck. As we were driving back to the car, I wanted to try it one more time. Maybe it needed an hour to reset. I was right. The car started up with no problem and hasn't had an issue since. I hope it stays that way for now.
Total cost: $0

Knowing you avoided a potentially expensive week: Priceless.

And all we can do is sit back and smile.

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