Friday, February 20, 2009

Pants on Fire!

You remember kindergarten and that boy that always told lies? Or that girl who had a different story every day? Children are natural liars, and ya know, it’s kinda cute. It’s funny to hear their stories and the look in their eye when they think of something else to make up. The charm, however, ends after kindergarten. Apparently, some of us haven’t gotten the memo. We will call her “Cupcake Lady”. And this story is so pathetically funny, I can’t resist sharing it.

Cupcake Lady was a friend on my Facebook. She added more than a few professional pictures of cupcakes (the caliber that you'd see on Ace of Cakes or Martha Stewart) and claimed they were her own creations. A quick google image search proved otherwise. When I accused asked her about it, she unfriended me! Actually, I am very amused by this. But seriously!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think we should put in a huge order of cupcakes for some of the cupcakes she "makes."