Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Thanksgiving and sushi?

As a newlywed, Brenden and I are having a fun time talking about holiday traditions (the traditions we had growing up and the traditions we want to establish for our family). We were chewing over the idea of skipping Thanksgiving all together and going skiing. Neither one of us are crazy about turkey (I am more of a vegetarian these days) and Brenden hates any kind of squash vegetable (with a strong, passionate hate). After some thought, we decided against the skiing idea because seeing family is the most important thing about Thanksgiving! However, we are thinking about adding our own personal touch to the dinner table (or rather, the aux-d'oeuvers table) and are thinking about bring some sushi! Ironically enough, on doing some research on the history of Thanksgiving, seafood (particularly crab and lobster) adorned the first Thanksgiving tables! Turkey wasn't accessible until much later.

So I guess it's not a bad idea after all!